Sunday, April 19, 2009

Extra Credit-Serial Killers

For my final paper I am talking about serial killers in film and something I've noticed is that almost all of them are always male. Why is it that men are the sick sadistic ones. Maybe women have more common sense than to do something so risky or their mental states just won't allow them. I'm not sure about a lot of these questions but I still think it's very interesting. Say for instance you walk down an alley late at night and another man is there you'd be freaked out probably, but if it was a woman you'd think nothing of it probably except that she may be a hooker or something. So why is it that there aren't many female serial killers? Just a thought any comments are welcome.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

March 16-20-Make-Up-Princess Diaries 2

In the movie Princess Mia finds out to take the throne she must be married first. She sets out to pick out the perfect husband even if it isn't the man of her dreams. She soon realizes that she is falling for the guy who would become king if she were to not find as husband. However, she is already engaged to a Duke from England. The love triangle goes back and forth with Mia unsure of what to do. She really likes the Prince, but doesn't completely trust that he will be a good husband to let her rule herself. Finally when the wedding day comes she can not bring herself to go through with it and she lets her to be husband go so they can both have a chance at true love. She then purposes that she should not have to marry just to take the throne. They council accepts her offer and she is crowned queen without a husband. This movie is a great example of female empowerment. A women should not have to be married to rule if a man doesn't have to have a wife to rule.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wedgie Commercial

So everyone gets them right? Guys where underwear that is so baggy they are probably less likely to get them than girls. Its kind of an embarrassing thing to do when your in public, but if you've ever had underwear stuck up your butt you know how irritating it can be. Like in the commercial we see a girl walk into a shoe store and we hear her internal thoughts about figuring out a way to get rid of her wedgie without being noticeable. She wiggles to the left right and all over the place just to get it out. She ends up making a fool of herself just trying to get it out instead of just quickly grabbing it. Guys pick, grab, itch and everything else in public so why is it necessary to make girl underwear that are wedgie proof. Shouldn't a girl just picking a wedgie be they same as a guy doing any of those other things?

Friday, March 27, 2009


In most superhero movies there is a hero and a villain. The common occurrence is a male hero and a male villain. Every once in a while there will be a female villain or possibly one as a hero sidekick. There are so many strong powerful women out there, why can't there be a kick butt female super hero who can beat the bad guy and still live day to day like all the other superheroes. Even in the movie Watchmen they have female superheroes, but it seems like they are just used as a sex symbol instead of figures who can actually take care of themselves. They always make sure the female superheroes have someone with them so they aren't alone and left vulnerable. If they are really that amazing can't they take care of themselves. Everyone has the perception that women can't be as strong as men or that they can't take care of themselves, but just becuase they are not physically the same doesn't mean a female superhero couldn't be just as powerful as a male superhero. They both have mythical non-existent powers and strength anyway so why not give that full ability to a female superhero.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Age Range in Male and Female Couples

There have always been cases of relationships between men and women where the age differed greatly. In society it seems like no one flinches an eye when an older man is with a women of a considerably younger age, but when the woman is older and the man is a lot younger heads seem to turn. Take regular old college students for instance. If a male college freshman is dating a girl younger than him that is still a senior in high school it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but if a girl in college is dating a guy still in high school questions arouse. Even on a bigger spectrum of life the same responses are received. Like in celebrity couples such as Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher or Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake which in both cases the women were much older. Those couples seemed to get way more publicity than ones with way older men. Celebrity couples with men much older don't even come to mind. Except for Hugh Hefner and his tons of playboy girlfriends. People only seem to register him because playboy is so popular as well as the television show they now have on E!. Why is this? Why is age such a big deal?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Weight Loss Commercials

There are tons of weight loss commercials out there. most of them are geared toward women and helping them loss wait. However, there are a few that are only geared towards men as well. There are even some that are geared towards both sexes. There are a lot of elements in a our bodies that contribute to how we specifically lose weight. So why is it so shameful or embarrassing if a male tries a females weight loss program or vice versa. If it works for you then I see no reason why it should be an embarrassing thing. Commercial advertisements seem to be a tad sexist in only targeting women because stereotypically women are always trying to lose weight and men just want to stay big. However, this may not be the case and weight loss ad campaigns should take this into consideration when making their weight loss commercials. They should adjust their product to better serve everyone without embarrassment or specify why there product is best available for one sex.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Playing Pool

The game of pool started in the 1600's. The game was all about gambling and women in the mix was not looked upon well. It was a male dominated game and women playing was forbidden. However, many women were interested in the game, but their skills never prospered due to the lack of support from their friends and family. It was also hard to find a female instructor or coach to help teach them the game. Over the years it has become a sport of equality between men and women. It started out with women playing only women and then adding co-ed game play. These circumstances have changed and as they progress the game has become more accepting of females in regular game play and tournaments.
However, in some setting the thought of a girl actually beating a guy is a bit far fetched. Like on our own campus in Webb Centers Lion's Den. The Lion's Den is dominated by mostly men who think that they can beat any girl. I am one of probably four to five other girls who are actually descent at the game around here, at least the ones that actually go in there and play at all. When I first started playing I was pretty bad, but one of my friends that works there gave me some pointers and now I can beat half the guys in there if I really try. Yet, whenever I play a new guy who hasn't seen me play before and knows how good I am he smirks like he has the game in the bag and then when he loses he is in shock. His friends also rag on him becuase he lost to a girl. I wonder why after all this time and all the great women pool players out there today why a girl beating a guy at pool is still so astonishing. Some guys will just never learn.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I saw an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch yesterday. Josh and Sabrina went out on a date together and Josh told Sabrina he loves her. Sabrina was kind of caught off guard and witches can't say I love you in a normal voice unless they really mean it, so when it came out she sounded like Tweety Bird. While all this was happening a lady came by with flowers. She asked Sabrina if she wanted to buy one for Josh. Josh commented on shouldn't it be the other way around and the lady mockingly asked him if he was too macho to get a flower. I think a case like this is a common stereo type of masculinity and femininity. Guys always buy girls flowers and never the other way around. Why is a guy considered girly if he gets a flower? Flowers are pretty and they smell nice and with as smelly as some boys are a nice bouquet in there room would probably do them some good!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dirty Jobs

Many nights I have been forced to watch dirty jobs because my boyfriend is in love with the show. At first I thought it was really disgusting and disliked watching it, but after awhile I really started liking it because some of the jobs he was sent on were actually pretty interesting. I think this show is a great example of masculinity. A lot of the jobs he is sent on are handled by the stereotypical big unattractive men. It fits the whole scenario of men having dirty jobs and in this case they definitely do. However, from my experience I feel like it is not just a show for men because I myself have experienced this show and have grown to love it. This show is not just for men, but for women as well.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gilmore Girls

Today I was watching an episode of the Gilmore Girls. Most avid show followers all know the delema of Rory dating Dean, but then leaving him for Jess. There is an ongoing tension between the boys for most of season 3 with both their hatreds for each other building up. Finally at a party one night Rory comes down from an upstairs room crying and runs into Dean. He quickly asks what is wrong and when he sees Jess following after he gets heated trying to figure out what Jess did to her. Dean shoves Jess starting a huge fight destroying the inside and outside yard of the house in a matter of seconds. This is what I believe to be a very good example of masculinity. Most boys have rivalries between them, and this rivalry is always building up. This is the common scenario of boys like girl, boys fight over girl. However, it also showed a bit of femininity as we see Deans caring side come out when he tries comforting Rory to see whats wrong and then defending her. Despite whether she really needed it or not.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Since this is my first blog I’m not really sure how to begin so here it goes. For my first post I am going to write about an episode of the television show Sister Sister. The episode I was watching is the 79th episode called Show Me the Money. The episode is about how Tia found out one of her co-workers, a male co-worker, who started at the same time as her is being paid more than she is. When she confronts her boss about this matter he has no logical explanation of why the co-worker is being paid more. He tells her to drop it or she will no longer have a job. Tia backs down, but when her sister Tamera hears about it she decides to fight the battle for her. She poses as Tia and demands a matched salary as well as equality in their work place. The boss fires her on the spot. To save Tia’s job Tamera and all their friends invade the work space demanding for Tia’s return because service is not up to par without her. Finally, when the other costumers as well start to complain he gives in and returns her job. He also reluctantly agrees to match their salaries. I think this episode pertains to gender in regards to the discrimination of men and women in the work place. It had all the aspects of how it was wrong and that people have to take a stand. This episode is the first of many blogs to be posted on gender in television shows, movies, and even commercials