Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gilmore Girls

Today I was watching an episode of the Gilmore Girls. Most avid show followers all know the delema of Rory dating Dean, but then leaving him for Jess. There is an ongoing tension between the boys for most of season 3 with both their hatreds for each other building up. Finally at a party one night Rory comes down from an upstairs room crying and runs into Dean. He quickly asks what is wrong and when he sees Jess following after he gets heated trying to figure out what Jess did to her. Dean shoves Jess starting a huge fight destroying the inside and outside yard of the house in a matter of seconds. This is what I believe to be a very good example of masculinity. Most boys have rivalries between them, and this rivalry is always building up. This is the common scenario of boys like girl, boys fight over girl. However, it also showed a bit of femininity as we see Deans caring side come out when he tries comforting Rory to see whats wrong and then defending her. Despite whether she really needed it or not.

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