Thursday, February 12, 2009


I saw an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch yesterday. Josh and Sabrina went out on a date together and Josh told Sabrina he loves her. Sabrina was kind of caught off guard and witches can't say I love you in a normal voice unless they really mean it, so when it came out she sounded like Tweety Bird. While all this was happening a lady came by with flowers. She asked Sabrina if she wanted to buy one for Josh. Josh commented on shouldn't it be the other way around and the lady mockingly asked him if he was too macho to get a flower. I think a case like this is a common stereo type of masculinity and femininity. Guys always buy girls flowers and never the other way around. Why is a guy considered girly if he gets a flower? Flowers are pretty and they smell nice and with as smelly as some boys are a nice bouquet in there room would probably do them some good!

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