Friday, February 20, 2009

Playing Pool

The game of pool started in the 1600's. The game was all about gambling and women in the mix was not looked upon well. It was a male dominated game and women playing was forbidden. However, many women were interested in the game, but their skills never prospered due to the lack of support from their friends and family. It was also hard to find a female instructor or coach to help teach them the game. Over the years it has become a sport of equality between men and women. It started out with women playing only women and then adding co-ed game play. These circumstances have changed and as they progress the game has become more accepting of females in regular game play and tournaments.
However, in some setting the thought of a girl actually beating a guy is a bit far fetched. Like on our own campus in Webb Centers Lion's Den. The Lion's Den is dominated by mostly men who think that they can beat any girl. I am one of probably four to five other girls who are actually descent at the game around here, at least the ones that actually go in there and play at all. When I first started playing I was pretty bad, but one of my friends that works there gave me some pointers and now I can beat half the guys in there if I really try. Yet, whenever I play a new guy who hasn't seen me play before and knows how good I am he smirks like he has the game in the bag and then when he loses he is in shock. His friends also rag on him becuase he lost to a girl. I wonder why after all this time and all the great women pool players out there today why a girl beating a guy at pool is still so astonishing. Some guys will just never learn.

1 comment:

  1. Could it be because lots of people still cling to old ideas about men being better at anything sports related? I say good for you!
