Wednesday, April 8, 2009

March 16-20-Make-Up-Princess Diaries 2

In the movie Princess Mia finds out to take the throne she must be married first. She sets out to pick out the perfect husband even if it isn't the man of her dreams. She soon realizes that she is falling for the guy who would become king if she were to not find as husband. However, she is already engaged to a Duke from England. The love triangle goes back and forth with Mia unsure of what to do. She really likes the Prince, but doesn't completely trust that he will be a good husband to let her rule herself. Finally when the wedding day comes she can not bring herself to go through with it and she lets her to be husband go so they can both have a chance at true love. She then purposes that she should not have to marry just to take the throne. They council accepts her offer and she is crowned queen without a husband. This movie is a great example of female empowerment. A women should not have to be married to rule if a man doesn't have to have a wife to rule.

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