Friday, March 27, 2009


In most superhero movies there is a hero and a villain. The common occurrence is a male hero and a male villain. Every once in a while there will be a female villain or possibly one as a hero sidekick. There are so many strong powerful women out there, why can't there be a kick butt female super hero who can beat the bad guy and still live day to day like all the other superheroes. Even in the movie Watchmen they have female superheroes, but it seems like they are just used as a sex symbol instead of figures who can actually take care of themselves. They always make sure the female superheroes have someone with them so they aren't alone and left vulnerable. If they are really that amazing can't they take care of themselves. Everyone has the perception that women can't be as strong as men or that they can't take care of themselves, but just becuase they are not physically the same doesn't mean a female superhero couldn't be just as powerful as a male superhero. They both have mythical non-existent powers and strength anyway so why not give that full ability to a female superhero.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Age Range in Male and Female Couples

There have always been cases of relationships between men and women where the age differed greatly. In society it seems like no one flinches an eye when an older man is with a women of a considerably younger age, but when the woman is older and the man is a lot younger heads seem to turn. Take regular old college students for instance. If a male college freshman is dating a girl younger than him that is still a senior in high school it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but if a girl in college is dating a guy still in high school questions arouse. Even on a bigger spectrum of life the same responses are received. Like in celebrity couples such as Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher or Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake which in both cases the women were much older. Those couples seemed to get way more publicity than ones with way older men. Celebrity couples with men much older don't even come to mind. Except for Hugh Hefner and his tons of playboy girlfriends. People only seem to register him because playboy is so popular as well as the television show they now have on E!. Why is this? Why is age such a big deal?